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Don't Miss FREE Business Event in SF Aug 16th!

From: user 7.
Sent on: Sunday, August 12, 2012, 7:12 PM

Hi Unstoppable Business Women!

You won't want to miss this FREE business conference to network and to learn new tools to help grow your business! You will be inspired! Just register below and looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday!




Infusionsoft Entrepreneur and Small Business Success Tour
Thursday, August 16th, 2012; 8:00am-11:45am
The Stanford Court Renaissance Hotel, San Francisco

You have started your own business, now what?  You won’t want to miss this FREE event to receive hands-on instructions on how to develop a highly effective sales and marketing plan you can start implementing immediately to attract, capture, and retain more customers.  You will also learn from the experts how to calculate and optimize the Lifetime Value of your customers.   Join us for a free breakfast and network with some of the top entrepreneurs and small business leaders in the Bay Area. All attendees will also receive a free copy of the notable Small Business Success Playbook.  Register Now – It’s Free - Space is Limited!   InfusionsoftSFSuccessTourRegistration

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