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New Meeting: Supper and (Virtual) Sightseeing

From: Kathleen J.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 1:05 AM
Announcing a new meeting for Walking thru the Valley of Heart's Delight & Hiking Around!

What: Supper and Sightseeing

When: Thursday, July 31, 5:15 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: All 445 members of WttVoHD&HA -- not! But a nice group of you.

Why: It's a peaceful atmosphere.Your food contributions are really appreciated. It's the only place I know of to get those graham crackers coated in melted butter, brown sugar and ground pecan cookies like my mom used to make.

Meeting Description: The usual drill -- meet somewhere and carpool out there and hike around, or just show up for dinner. But we'll get serious about planning our possible fall Meetup Campout (well, Hostel-out) at this building before it closes to the public.

This month Kathleen will be doing the slide presentation. Nope, don't worry, it won't be slides of Texas (that'll be next winter when she's come back with the move-or-not decision)

To quote the Hostel's newsletter:
"Tonight Kathleen Jarvis will take us to floriday where she found a stunning art installation by renowned glass artist Dale Chihuly in Miami. She enjoyed St. Augustine, too, and had quite a series of adventures. Bring any food you like for pot-luck at 6:30, a very fun slide show afterwards."

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