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Re: [Web-Performance-Boston] Design Camp Registration is open now

From: Michael D.
Sent on: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 3:13 PM
The link in the email causes a not found error. Just use this:

I can't believe I wasn't invited to speak at this event!
No sessions on "Flash: To Be Or Not To Be?", "If You're Not Sharing, You're Hiding: Exploding Your Site's Visibility Through Feeds and Sharing Functionality", "If You're Not Buzzing, You're Boring: Why You Need Buzz Worthy Content", "Site Maps, Wireframes, and Use Cases Oh My: Planning Your Website and Application"...

Michael Durwin
Sent from my mobile office

[address removed]

On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:50 PM, bryan phillips <[address removed]> wrote:

The tickets have been going fast, so if you want to go to Design Camp Boston, on Nov 6th for a full free day of cool sessions grab your ticket now.  Head over to the event site and click on the link on the home page.




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