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Thanks for Coming out to Squash Blossom! * Updates*

From: Geoff C.
Sent on: Saturday, August 3, 2013, 4:29 PM

Hi Everyone!


Wow. There were a lot of people at the Squash Blossom/First Friday event. I want to thank you all for coming out and participating. I apologize if I didn't have a chance to meet some of you. I'm actually a very shy guy, and the turnout was much higher than I was expecting. I think I walked out of there with $90 worth of books :).


I'll remind you though, that most of what we do is due to you guys working together. While I try to actively throw my support behind every project you come up with, I certainly can't take credit for the over thirty meetings and events that take place every month.


The Owner of Squash Blossom would like to continue throwing events – So if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me or Ken Weene.


And just a point of clarification – We are three meetup groups! Just click the “About Us” link on the home page and across the top, it will show all three.


***Updates on ***


- We have added and categorized about 30 local books. Send your friends and family over to check them out. If you have a favorite, feel free to comment and let people know which ones you think are the best!


- We have another local literature magazine – The Blue Guitar – feel free to check it out if you want to contribute. They are currently looking for Children's stories, poems, and literature for their next issue.


- The Arizona State Poetry Society is holding a contest.


- I have added a page for recurring poetry events. You can always google to find hundreds of poetry events across the valley – But I expect that the ones listed will be pretty decent by nature of who is running them. These events have been rounded up care of Jake Friedman via the Four Chambers Magazine – So feel free to take a look there as well!

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