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Date Change - Nov 1st for Cleantech Nation Book Signing

From: Lisa A.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 4:53 PM

Hi Ladies,

We've had to change the date of this event to Thursday, November 1st for hosting Clint Wilder and covering his book Cleantech Nation. If you have already RSVP'd and cannot make this new day, we are happy to refund you.  Please RSVP as soon as you can so that we can order enough books to have on hand.


Lisa Ann


Cleantech Nation Discussion and Author Signing

  • November 1st @ 6:30pm
  • Location, EEFG in San Francisco

The authors of The Clean Tech Revolution are back with their second book Clean Tech Nation and we are lucky enough to have one of their authors available for our next meeting! Clint Wilder, Senior Editor at CleanEdge will give us his view on the future of cleantech America.  All those attending the meeting will get a free, and signed copy of the book!

President Bill Clinton said "Clean Tech Nation dares to imagine a country in which bipartisanship reigns, green energy is our nation’s greatest national resource, and our competitive edge in the global economy is restored. With their Seven-Point Action Plan for Repowering America, Pernick and Wilder show us how — now it’s up to all Americans, across every sector, to follow through.”

Meanwhile, John Hofmeister, Former President, Shell Oil and author, Why We Hate the Oil Companies says "Pernick and Wilder powerfully articulate the trends and developments reshaping the clean-tech landscape and provide both compelling and comprehensive solutions."

In Clean Tech Nation, Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder combine lively storytelling with expert analysis, providing a compelling call to action and outlining the latest technology, policy, and financial tools that the U.S. can wield to compete and win in the 21st century.

Click here to download a free chapter>>


$20 online/ $25 at the door

Please RSVP as soon as you can so we have an accurate head count for how many books to provide.



6:30 - Networking and author signing

7:00 - Discussion with guest speakers

8:00 - More networking and author signing

About our Guest Speaker:

Clint Wilder

Senior Editor, CleanEdge

Clint Wilder is senior editor at clean-tech research and advisory firm Clean Edge and the coauthor of two books on clean-tech business and innovation, Clean Tech Nation (HarperCollins, 2012) and The Clean Tech Revolution (HarperCollins, 2007). He is an award-winning business journalist who has covered the high-tech and clean-tech industries since 1985. He coauthors reports and writes columns on industry trends for Clean Edge and has been a facilitator at the Clinton Global Initiative. He is a frequent speaker at clean-energy and green business events in the U.S. and overseas, and a regular blogger for the Huffington Post. He lives with his wife in Sausalito, California.


About Clean Tech Nation:


On its current path, the United States risks losing out on the most critical opportunity for job creation and global economic leadership in the 21st century. China is spending hundreds of billions on clean tech and is now the world leader in solar-panel and wind-turbine manufacturing. Germany plans to shutter all its nuclear power plants within a decade and build a new energy economy focused on renewables and efficiency. Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, India, and many others are also enthusiastically pursuing these burgeoning possibilities. If the U.S. is to remain dominant, as it has in the earlier high-tech and Internet revolutions, it needs to supercharge efforts at every level—in federal, state, and city governments, and in schools, small businesses, and large companies. Industry experts Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder combine insightful analysis with lively storytelling to assess current clean-tech leaders worldwide, while highlighting front-running U.S. cities and states. Offering a Seven- Point Action Plan for Repowering America—with such controversial steps as ending all energy subsidies within ten years, launching a national smart infrastructure bank, and creating a new breed of clean-tech investment tools modeled on the oil and gas industries—Clean Tech Nation sounds a compelling and achievable call to action.

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