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Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] Setup suggestions

From: Pete
Sent on: Monday, May 4, 2015, 10:33 AM

Not an idea but do these work ok. We all know that the WWW sometimes looses out emails etc.
or they get delayed..

Would it also be better to have it instantly txt a notification to the restaurant as well..

Would be interested to know how these sorts of online things actually work..



> On 04-May-15 10:16:53 AM, Fil Cristaldi ([address removed]) wrote:
> > Hey guys, I have a project that I'm not sure what the best way of building
> it would be...
> The business is a franchise restaurant that wants to offer online ordering
> for delivery and pickup and doesn't want to use 3rd party food services
> like Hungry Hero or MenuLog...
> Most of the website will be the same content across all franchises as well
> as the menu/food ordering part of the site. I guess the tricky part is
> having orders go to the correct franchise based on location and they have
> requested for each location to use their own payment gateways so each
> franchise gets their money per order (not idea and I could possibly talk
> them out of it)...
> Initially I thought of WooCommerce multisite to sort out the payment
> gateway issues and then have some sort of location geotag or dropdown so
> users get directed to their closes store, downfall would be maintaining and
> keeping products/menu across all franchises consistent.
> Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!
> Regards
> Fil Cristaldi
> Design & Development Director
> Mobile:[masked]
> Web Design & Development | Digital Marketing | Social Media
>  | Phone: 1300

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