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New Meetup: Sob Choke LOVE 3D: Comic Books come to life on stage!

From: DoctorWhoFansUnite (.
Sent on: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 3:05 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Worlds Collide (San Antonio Sci-Fi/Fantasy Meetup Group)!

What: Sob Choke LOVE 3D: Comic Books come to life on stage!

When: Saturday, February 27,[masked]:00 PM

The Overtime Theater
1414 S. Alamo St
San Antonio, TX 78204

The Overtime presents its annual onstage homage to comic-book romance. Adapted from actual romance comics from the 1960's and early '70's, Sob Choke LOVE 3D! will stage live versions of these classic, sappy stories in their full glory.
The stories are acted out verbatim, comic book panel by panel, with all of the dialogue that scintillated then and disturbs now.

The past two incarnations of Sob Choke LOVE have been called one of the "best shows of 2008" (Express-News) and "strange and hilarious" (UTSA Paisano).

This year, Sob Choke LOVE 3D! will include a few short stories and one long romance told, Rashomon-style, from three different perspectives.

The three stories presented in the new installment are:
"Next Door to Love (Part Two - The Searing Conclusion)"
"The Girl Voted Most Likely to Succeed"
"Love Stop!"

Tickets: Tickets are $12 general admission and $9 for teachers, students with current ID, seniors 65+, and SATCO members.

Tickets can be purchased online at:

These shows sell out fast so get your ticket soon!!!

Stick around after the show for adult-oriented improv by The Denials at 10 pm.
Besides classic improv games, one of the Denials' specialties is Altered Lit - making up new versions of classic works of literature, on the spot, based on audience suggestions.

Come out armed with suggestions about your favorite classics!!!

$8 general admission, BYOB.

Learn more here:

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