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Today's event - amazing news and practical info

From: Maxim S.
Sent on: Thursday, October 22, 2015, 2:36 PM

Hi dear ngHero!

Only 4 hours before our event start and I want to share some practical info:

- We'll serve some drinks, snacks and coffee. Thanks to our super-duper sponsor StartupLab!
- Stickers and news from yesterday's AngularConnect conf will also be shared :)
- We open doors at 18:00 in Forskningsparken (Oslo Science Park). Here is the "How to get to" instruction. In short: if you use public transport - Blindern or Forskningsparken T-Bane stations will work perfect for you. Inside the venue please follow the "AngularMeetup" signs.
- We start our presentations at 18:30 in "The Forum" auditorium. Thanks to StartupLab again for this nice venue!

See you!

Maxim Salnikov

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