What we’re about
Denne gruppen annonserer JavaBin Oslo sine aktiviteter og meetups. Vi er ca 20 aktive som møtes hver tirsdag på Rebel i Universitetsgata 2. Oslo-regionen funker som hovedsete for JavaBin, Java Brukerforeningen i Norge.
Hvor kan jeg se tidligere meetups:
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Om JavaBin:
JavaBin er en av Norges største community-grupper, drevet av frivillige ildsjeler fra hele landet. Vi har avdelinger over hele landet – Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim, Vestfold, Sogn, Tromsø, Sørlandet og Oslo. Hver eneste måned skjer det kule ting i javaBin-regi – både meetups, studentarrangementer, arrangementer for barn, og mye annet spennende!
Hvert år i september er det duket for JavaBins store happening – JavaZone. Det stemmer! En av verdens største Java-konferanser er drevet av en frivillig organisasjon! Ca. 3.100 deltakere, 200 foredragsholdere, 50 partnerbedrifter og generelt sett god stemning!
Bli med på et javaBin-arrangement da vel! Og er du ekstra interessert, kan du snakke med oss og bli en av arrangørene. Vi er over 50 mennesker totalt fra hele landet som bidrar med å skape kule arrangementer for våre nesten 3.000 medlemmer!
Upcoming events (1)
See all- GitHub Copilot: Generative AI Serving Developers - Tugdual Grall (GitHub)Rebel, Oslo
JavaBin is proud to announce that Tugdual Grall from GitHub will visit us Tuesday 24. September at 18:00 PM to talk about a topic that has changed the life of many developers all over the world: GitHub Copilot! Do not miss this chance to meet Tug to get all your questions about Copilot answered!
We will be at the 3rd floor of Rebel. Food (including allergy friendly options) will be served at 17:30.
We are organising the event in collaboration with the Tekna Developer Network, and you'll have a chance to learn who they are in our intro.
Over the past 18 months, GitHub Copilot has captivated the attention of over 1.7 million developers, becoming a pivotal reference in the field of generative artificial intelligence.Tug will delve into the architecture of GitHub Copilot. Drawing from his experience, he will shed light on various use cases through practical demonstrations. This presentation will not only focus on the positive aspects, as Tug will also share pitfalls to avoid and essential knowledge to successfully navigate the GitHub Copilot universe, while exploring its significant impact on developers' daily lives.
The session will feature numerous demonstrations involving front-end and back-end programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and many other things, with even a touch of improvisation based on audience comments and questions
BIO - Tugdual Grall
Tugdual "Tug" is Solutions Engineer at GitHub where he helps developers to do more with GitHub!
Before GitHub, Tug has worked at Redis, Red Hat, MapR, MongoDB, Couchbase, eXo and Oracle as developer, product manager or developer advocate.
Tug is also the co-founder of the Nantes JUG (Java Users Group) which has brought together developers and architects from the Nantes region every month since 2008.- Twitter: @tgrall
- GitHub: @tgrall
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tugdualgrall/