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Announcing Asheville Beer Club

From: peter
Sent on: Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 5:50 PM

Happy New Years everyone.   I am happy to announce we have merged our group with our sponsor, the Asheville Beer Club and changed our name to reflect this.  So, going forward, we will be the Asheville Beer Club and not the Asheville Beer City Meetup 


What does this mean to you?   Not much really.  The major change is that the owner of the beer club has graciously agreed to pay our yearly meet up fees.   (YEAH!!!)  We are also going to start to use their logo.   Check it out when you get a second.  I think it is a good one.   


Besides that, you will not see any other major changes to our group as all of your great organizers are still around setting up new meet ups for us to attend.


For those of you attending Wicked Weed on Friday, please be patient as we are going to overwhelm the place.   I know there are at least 3 different groups meeting there.  Our group alone is approaching 100 people. (Wow!!!)  If you are having a hard time finding us, just ask the person next to you if they are part of our group.  There is a good chance they are.   If not, at least you will get to meet someone new.  





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