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New Meetup: The Spring Equinox in Mundane Astrology Prediction talk by Nancy Sommers

From: Randy
Sent on: Friday, December 31, 2010, 12:51 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The DC Astrology Meetup Group!

What: The Spring Equinox in Mundane Astrology Prediction talk by Nancy Sommers

When: Thursday, January 20,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Vegetable Garden
11618 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852

The Spring Equinox in Mundane Astrology Prediction

Nancy Sommers, mundane astrologer and author of the well-known Starlight News Blog, will discuss the Spring Equinox chart and how it has been used by her to make some very accurate predictions over the last few years. The technique is simple and the results are amazing. Come and participate in a discussion of this interesting and little-discussed topic. Also check out her blog at http://starlightnews.ocm/wordpress

Enjoy a great dinner with friends.
Free, pay for your food and drinks.
Bring your chart if you like.

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