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New Meetup: "2012 A Wrinkle in Time" movie by Mike Dooley

From: Randy
Sent on: Monday, December 27, 2010, 6:07 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The DC Astrology Meetup Group!

What: "2012 A Wrinkle in Time" movie by Mike Dooley

When: Wednesday, December 29,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $20.00 per person

Where: private home
614 E Lynfield dr
Rockville, MD 20852

This Wednesday gathering we watch the movie "2012 A Wrinkle in Time" by Mike Dooley who writes the Notes from the Universe at TUT. Following the movie Sandra Soloman will lead a discussion about 2012 and how we can be in contact with our power, divinity and responsiblity now.

Why US Why NOW? Before us lies the most exciting time in recorded history. As a species we re about to cross a threshold that's never been crossed before from darkness into light. Being here, now, was of our own choosing the adventure called to you, the challenges tempted you, and the possibilities left you utterly breathless for what might happen and for what might not happen; for the heartbreaking and for the paradise making.

The future is ours to shape, though there's been plenty of reason to anticipate the worst in terms of global upheaval and chaos. Recently, however, there are unmistakable signs that due to a shifting of consciousness, the potential for calamity has been lessened. More and more people are asking the hard questions and discovering they have clear and simple answers; answers that reveal their power, their divinity, and ultimately, their responsibilities. In the coming months and years, it will be those who understand what's really happening and who respond swiftly to the changing times, that will be richly rewarded as they learn how to deliberately engage life's magic, live lives of love, and revel in their role as natural born creators. You are powerful, it is time.
This LIVE and UNCUT video (Note: The video/audio capture was by camcorder on a tripod, the content however is world class) captures an evening with Mike Dooley in which he shares what the prophecy makers actually "saw" concerning the year 2012, what's already happening in the world, the biggest hurdle now before each and every one of us, and 5 tips for thriving amidst great change. This brand new, vintage material introduces the concepts of:
the evolution of consciousness
inner and outer storms
how we got to this crossroads in time
understanding our supernatural powers
and responsibilities
how to engage life?s magic and leverage the
forces of change that are already
sweeping the globe!
$20 pay at the door
The gathering is at

614 E Lynfield Dr
Rockville MD 20852


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