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New Meetup: Atheist Convention: The Rise of Atheism

From: james
Sent on: Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 9:05 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Canberra Atheists Meetup Group!

Hey guys I thought I might be good to add this to the meetup calendar

What: Atheist Convention: The Rise of Atheism

When: March 12,[masked]:00 PM

Melbourne Convention Exibition Center
1 Convention Centre Place South Wharf VIC 3006

The Rise of Atheism

A presentation of the Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc and Atheist Alliance International
The 2010 Global Atheist Convention
Melbourne, Australia

12-14 March at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Presenters will include: Richard Dawkins, Catherine Deveny, Phillip Adams, Taslima Nasrin, Peter Singer, PZ Myers, Dan Barker, Stuart Bechman, Sue-Ann Post, Kylie Sturgess, John Perkins, Tamas Pataki, Max Wallace, Russell Blackford, Ian Robinson, AC Grayling, Robyn Williams, Simon Taylor and NonStampCollector. In addition, a panel of women chaired by Maggie Millar will feature Lyn Allison, Tanya Levin, Leslie Cannold and Jane Caro.

"The enlightenment is under threat. So is reason. So is truth. So is science ? We have to devote a significant proportion of our time and resources to defending it from deliberate attack from organized ignorance ?"

Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion
Introduction to the Richard Dawkins Foundation

"The number of churchgoers in Australia is about 9% and dwindling, the diversity of spiritual belief is flourishing and atheism is going off like a frog in a sock."

Catherine Deveny
The Age, Melbourne
February 18, 2009

The 2010 Global Atheist Convention will be the biggest ever atheist event in Australia?s history.

This is your chance to hear world-class atheist speakers, and meet Australian and internationally acclaimed atheists, skeptics, humanists, rationalists and academics in one of Australia?s most vibrant and exciting cities.

The bigger we can make this convention, the stronger the signal it will send to Australia's religious and political institutions that atheism and secularism are forces to be reckoned with.

See you in Melbourne!

Learn more here: