What we’re about
This group is a regular gathering of Python users and developers in the Canberra area. We discuss Python and related open source technologies. It is a networking forum for meeting other locals interested in Python and exchanging news and ideas.
Canberra Python community chat: slack invitation link
If you do any kind of Python development, or have done, join the group! We'll keep you posted about our regular meetups. PyLadies (or potential pyladies) are particularly welcome to come and connect to the community.
We care about new people and quiet people, so we want to have some bare minimum standards that we expect. You can find our Code of Conduct here: [https://github.com/canberra-python/README/tree/main/conduct](https://github.com/canberra-python/README/tree/main/conduct)
If you'd like to give a talk at the next meetup, please ping Jonah, Elena, Alex, Andrew, Caleb or Evan on the slack: https://join.slack.com/t/canberrapug/shared_invite/zt-2ttz72xpj-T0zKkQgo4BR4sg_DXVmnUg
Sponsorship of CPUG ensures we can continue to bring together the Canberra Python Community through meetings and events.
Linux Australia: https://linux.org.au/[https://linux.org.au/](https://linux.org.au/)
Python Charmers: [https://pythoncharmers.com/](https://pythoncharmers.com/)
ANU: [https://www.anu.edu.au/](https://www.anu.edu.au/)
Upcoming events (3)
See all- 🐍 Canberra Python MeetupHanna Neumann Building, Seminar Room 1.33, Canberra
Join the Canberra Python Meetup where we'll:
- 🌐 Network over 🍕 pizza and drinks 🍺🥤 with fellow Python users 🐍
- 👀 Watch a presentation
- 🗣️ Discuss the presentation
Presentation details TBA
📢 Interested in presenting? We'd love to have you, get in touch via slack!
❤️ Thanks to our sponsors: Xero, Reposit Power, and ANU!
- 🐍 Canberra Python Meetup - Args: Amazing or Approaching? by Evan KohilasHanna Neumann Building, Seminar Room 1.33, Canberra
Join the Canberra Python Meetup where we'll:
- 🌐 Network over 🍕 pizza and drinks 🍺🥤 with fellow Python users 🐍
- 👀 Watch a presentation
- 🗣️ Discuss the presentation
From default args, to `**kwargs`, and everything in-between, Python's comprehensive argument system lends itself to some of the most effective code, through encouraging readability, reuse, and easy refactoring.
But is that really true? Why, and why not?
What could we learn from other languages?
And what else could lie in their future?In this session, Evan will give a rundown of Python's comprehensive function argument system and how its features allow for safety, conciseness, and expressiveness (whether you're calling or writing functions).
He'll then give examples for where that system lacks, where it could bite you, and give suggestions for what more could be done on Python code to fix those limitations.Evan is a serial International Speaker and Senior Software Engineer whose passions lie in improving the developer experience by enhancing code health, optimising workflows, and working towards nohumanerrors.com
When he's not thinking about security, informatics, or giving talks about his many projects, you'll find him nomming on Subway cookies, or chasing bunny rabbits.---
📢 Interested in presenting? We'd love to have you, get in touch via slack!
❤️ Thanks to our sponsors: Xero, Reposit Power, and ANU!
- 🐍 Canberra Python Meetup - Use Python as your shell with Xonsh by Leo BroskaHanna Neumann Building, Seminar Room 1.33, Canberra
Join the Canberra Python Meetup where we'll:
- 🌐 Network over 🍕 pizza and drinks 🍺🥤 with fellow Python users 🐍
- 👀 Watch a presentation
- 🗣️ Discuss the presentation
Many of us employ shells (like Bash, Zsh or PowerShell) in the terminal to “get admin things done” on our computer. For the actual programming then we switch to Python to “get real things done”.
But what if you could use Python in your programs *and* in the terminal? Welcome to Xonsh, a shell and a Python REPL in one. This unique feature helps very much to get all things in the terminal done quicker, safer and to have more fun on the way!
In this talk I cover what Xonsh is, how you can use it to simplify your day-to-day work and how I have employed Xonsh to solve some sysadmin problems in a safer way. This talk is aimed at both Python beginners and experts who spend time in the terminal.
Leo is a Software Engineer with the Australian Government. Long time Python lover and Programming Language affincinado . Now diving into Functional Programming.
📢 Interested in presenting? We'd love to have you, get in touch via slack!
❤️ Thanks to our sponsors: I've g, and ANU!