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RE: [modeling-193] Atlanta based fashion & luxury lifestyle magazine will host a "Model Call for a R

From: AlloyOne P.
Sent on: Saturday, March 22, 2008, 8:36 AM
Yes they will need a couple of men.  Send your info and pictures to
[address removed]

Anthony R. Lloyd 
AlloyOne Photography­yone


-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of
Stephan Vincenzo
Sent: Saturday, March 22,[masked]:31 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [modeling-193] Atlanta based fashion & luxury lifestyle
magazine will host a "Model Call for a R

DO u need male models???
> From: [address removed]
> To: [address removed]
> Subject: [modeling-193] Atlanta based fashion & luxury lifestyle magazine
will host a "Model Call for a Runway Fashion Show " April 14, 2008
> Date: Thu, 20 Mar[masked]:19:56 -0400
> Atlanta based fashion & luxury lifestyle magazine will host a "Model Call
for a Runway Fashion Show
> Begins on:
> Apr 14, 2008
> Location:
> Atlanta, Georgia
> Casting for:
> Female and Male Models
> Compensation:
> TF*
> Details:
> Atlanta based fashion & luxury lifestyle magazine will host a "Model Call
for a Runway Fashion Show on April, 14 from 6-8p held at a prestigious
Atlanta Country Club. (Models will be required to be there early, attend a
fitting on April 5th and a dress rehearsal on April 12th or 13th) There will
be magazine editors, photographers, videographer & possibly media. This is a
great volunteer event to add to your resume. Model requirements: Must be
reliable and on-time,must be at least 5'7 or taller, athletic build, sizes
4,6,and 8 only.
> If you are interested, please email us your name, age, measurements, a
little blurb about you along with a picture and contact information. You
will be given full information for the model call place, date and time when
you respond to this email.
> --
> Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on
this mailing list ([address removed]
Windows Live Hotmail is giving away Zunes.

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