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Exciting PostgresConf news

From: Joshua D.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 3:35 PM

Austin Postgres,

PostgresConf US 2018 is only 3 weeks away! There is a special 15% discount for Austin Postgres members; just enter PUG_2018_ATX here.

If you want to stay at the conference hotel, don’t wait to book your room; the Westin hotel block has already sold out twice! There is a limited number of premium rooms left. The Double Tree and CandleWood Suites are also within walking distance.

In sponsor news, yesterday Platinum Sponsor OpenSCG was acquired by Diamond Sponsor Amazon Web Services. It is exciting to watch the world wide community and ecosystem thriving.

In PostgreSQL.Org news, feature freeze for version 11 will be April 7th, 2018. PostgresConf will have a Postgres 11 and Beyond panel to discuss the fantastic features of the upcoming release.

Lastly, the following training options are likely to sell out within the week. If you are looking to attend either of these education opportunities now is the time to get your tickets:

  1. The postgresql.conf from A-Z: Includes Postgres Performance and Maintenance

  2. Tutorial on Modern PostgreSQL High Availability

Thanks for supporting Austin Postgres and PostgresConf,


Co-Organizer Austin Postgres and Co-Chair PostgresConf


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