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New Meetup: NEW ATOMIX FORMAT: North Side Writing Discussion Meeting

From: David W.
Sent on: Monday, January 4, 2010, 12:07 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The North Side and Evanston Writer's Group!

What: NEW ATOMIX FORMAT: North Side Writing Discussion Meeting

When: Monday, January 25,[masked]:00 PM

1957 W Chicago Ave (between Damen Ave & Winchester Ave)
Chicago, IL 60622

We are now meeting at Atomix (see above for address).

This meeting will be a little different from normal. It's an opportunity for people deal with various matters related to their own writing, and literate in general.

Feel free to email, with any suggestions for the meeting, or questions.

We will be doing one or more of the following:

1. People are welcome to bring work to share, though this is optional. It is best you are willing to read the work aloud. Hearing a work, in an writer's voice, can have artistic value beyond the work itself. However, you may also post work online, or bring copies for people to read to themselves.

2. Discussion of the writing process - this will give people a chance to learn from others, and inspire others, with the process which they've found effective.

3. Discussion of ideas for future works, and current works in progress. In addition to sparking interesting discussion, this will give people a chance to talk out their ideas, and hopefully inspire them to continue writing.

4. Discussion of literate - Hopefully discussing great writers, storytellers, and work will inspire art and creativity, in our own writing.

Please note: Anyone interested in writing and / or literature is welcome. Sharing work is optional.

Guidelines for sharing work (specific to this meeting):

- Reading your work aloud is ideal, for this meeting. However, you may also bring copies, or post online.

- All genre's and forms are welcome (Ex. chapter of a novel, short story, play, screenplay, poem, article, essay etc.).

- If you are going to post, It is best to post 2 or more days prior to the meeting.

- If you post a piece online, yet find out you will not be able to attend, please email me, so that I can inform the group, out of courtesy for the group. It is especially great if you can email, about this, at least 2 days in advance.

- Though there is no official limit, it is good to keep work to about 10 double spaced pages, or less.

Note: You may share a work as a link. In this case, please post a file containing the link, so that people will find and read your work.

Here are more details about posting online and other means of sharing your work:

Here is information about reading files, if you are having trouble seeing the work, on your computer:

Feel free to email about any questions or suggestions.

Learn more here:

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