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FW: [wine-298] One last opportunity to Confirm your RSVP for tonight

From: user g.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 12:28 PM


If you did not RSVP “yes” to the event you received this e-mail below in error:
I selected to e-mail “only those 44 people who RSVP’d “yes” to the event” but apparently the e-mail went out to everyone…

My apologies.  Sometimes we rule technology.  Sometimes it rules us.

No response necessary if you didn’t RSVP “yes” to this.  Just delete.


-----Original message-----

From: Steve Petrosino <[address removed]>
[address removed]
Tue, May 29,[masked]:01:13 GMT+00:00
[wine-298] One last opportunity to Confirm your RSVP for tonight

Hi all:

This e-mail is going out to
all 44 members who RSVPd "yes" to Claudiana tonight.

If you are not going to be able to make it, please take a minute and cghange your RSVP to "no"

View or change your Here:

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing all of you tonight!!

Steve Petrosino

[masked] (cell)

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