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Nature Hike/Walk this Weekend, Sunday, 9/30

From: Julie H.
Sent on: Thursday, September 27, 2018, 8:31 AM

Hello friends of the Backyard Skeptics,

Just a reminder of the hike/walk planned for this weekend at 8:00am on Sunday, 9/30.

Join the fun of a nature hike/walk with like minded peopled at Fairview Park located at 2501 Placentia Ave. in Costa Mesa (cross street is Adams). Meet at the south end (dead end) of the parking lot.

We will meet at Fairview Park and walk down into Talbert Regional Park. Both of these environments are home to coyotes, herons/egrets, hawks, osprey, squirrels, rabbits and rattlesnakes. Although I've never seen the latter, thankfully, there are warning signs. There is also a lush indigenous landscape which makes for great photo ops and an awesome venue for birders.

The terrain is mostly flat with a couple of inclines in and out of the park and where we will loop to return. We will walk/hike to the south side of Talbert Regional in to Canyon Park. The journey will be an around 6 miles, approximately 2 hours.

Wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes; tennis shoes/sneakers preferred over hiking shoes for this one; hat, sunscreen, water, etc. Binoculars are a plus with all the wildlife. There are 2 restroom locations in the park area.

If we want to follow up our walk with breakfast/lunch, there are many restaurants to select from at the cross streets of Brookhurst and Adams.

Looking forward to sharing this nature oasis on the coast with my like minded friends of Backyard Skeptics!

This will be the start of many hikes for the season with this one being the least challenging physically. It is best to join only if you are regularly physically active to avoid injury or exertion. Feel free to message me with any questions.  Julie Henry

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