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WSGSC - Women's Day Out, Saturday, 9/22, 1:00pm

From: Julie H.
Sent on: Monday, September 17, 2018, 8:55 AM

Hello to the women of the Backyard Skeptics,

Just a reminder...

We will be meeting for some food and interesting conversation over lunch this Saturday, 9/22 at 1:00pm at Crave Restaurant, 410 West 4th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Let's gather at the front of the restaurant so we can order our food individually at the counter.  Or, ask for me or the group as I may have a table arranged for us.

Crave makes everything fresh. It’s all about the food and offers vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free items on their menu. All of the salad dressings are house made and gluten free. They bake breads and goodies as well as smoke, roast and grill their meats in-house daily. Fruits and vegetables are from local farms whenever possible.

After lunch, we have the option for some shopping all within walking distance.

Look forward to seeing new and familiar faces of the WSGSC and share in great conversation of like minded women.

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