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What we’re about

We are a group of scientific skeptics (as opposed to 'conspiracy skeptics') with a heavy emphasis on critical thinking. If you don't believe in paranormal ability, ouija boards or ghosts then this group is for you.

FOUNDED IN 2008, we have many field trips and casual get-togethers just to socialize with other critical thinkers  as well, and of course our great pot-luck summer and winter solstice parties.

Our goal: To support the agnostic/athiest/skeptic/humanist community with local meetings, potluck parties, and other social events. To spread the word that scientific skeptics and non-believers that promote secular values and the separation of church and state. We cherish humanistic values over any supernatural superstitions and encourage others to look at their worldview with critical thinking skills.

I hope you join our group and enjoy the conversations we have!

This meetup is a subgroup of Atheists United

Upcoming events (4+)

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