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Vegan Email Listserv Now Active

From: Don R.
Sent on: Sunday, November 18, 2007, 11:29 AM
Vegan Email Listserv Now Active

Hi Veg Meetup Member,

In case you haven't noticed, I have activated the Baltimore Veg Meetup email listserv that allows open communications between members. This allows for much more rapid communications than did the message board. I've closed the message board to new communications but you may still view all previous messages.

I think this new setup will help us all get to know and support each other. It will also serve some practical needs such as for carpooling.

USING THE NEW LISTSERV: You may send an email to the entire group or to selected individuals. When you hit "reply" to a group email, your message will go to the whole group membership. If you want to reply to only to one or more individuals, you must change the address. And of course, you may opt out of the mailing list at any time.

If the volume of new emails becomes a problem for you, there's no need to cancel your group membership. You may choose to opt out of either or both listservs of the Baltimore Veg or Baltimore Vegan Meetup groups.

I hope this new setup works well for you and our group. Thanks!



Join The Vegetarian Resource Group for their 26th annual
Pre-Thanksgiving potluck dinner. Admission is $4 per adult; children
are admitted free. Also, please bring a vegan dish - that serves four
as a contribution from EACH member of your party. If you are unable to
cook, you may bring a prepared vegan dish for four from a local
natural foods store or restaurant. Write the ingredients of your dish
on a 3 x 5 card to accommodate guests with special dietary needs.
Please call The Vegetarian Resource Group at (410)[masked] if you
need any more information about this event.

WHEN: Sunday, November 18, 2007 at 5:00 p.m.
WHERE: North Baltimore Mennonite Church
4615 Roland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21210

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