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Re: [mahjong-218] It's another "3rd Sat of the month" mahjongg get-together!

From: Lynne U.
Sent on: Monday, March 23, 2009, 10:37 AM
At 09:20 AM 3/23/2009, you wrote:
>... however, I'm not available to "host" this month... so I'm 
>hopeful someone will pick up "this" (3rd Sat of the month) meetup... 
>at their home, or somewhere everyone can meet.
>Let me know...
>I will be gone to Atlanta the month of April , but I'd like to have 
>at the May 21 09 meeting at my house
anyone interested in playing  Cantonese Mahjong the 2nd Saturday or 
Friday evening at my house ?  could accommodate 12 people
more if someone can bring card table and chairs

somewhere everyone can meet.

I was thinking of talking to the Alamo Round Table Pizza, if they 
would be interested in letting a monthly  group come to play....think 
my daughter knows the owner or manger....(she handles all the 
finicals for Round table Pizza corporation

Lynne Underwood
Walnut Creek, CA
[address removed]

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