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The Phantom of the Opera: Well-received by our group. See it on your own.

From: Art
Sent on: Monday, November 21, 2011, 8:25 AM

In your email program, click to display images to see two photos from the movie.

















The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011)
was well-received by our Meetup group over this past weekend so if you missed it, I recommend that you see it on your own this week.  It is playing until Friday, November 25 (and may be extended).

What did our group think of this Meetup?

Our group member, Madeline Turnock wrote:

It was fantastic. I was debating whether to go the next night as well. The people who came to the meetup were lovely and it was a really nice night.

Our group member, Mark H. wrote:

Not many people came, but had a great time with those who did. The Movie was ABSOLUTELY STUPENDOUS!


There will not be another Meetup for this movie, so you can go on whichever day you prefer.

This movie is playing on two screens at Siam Paragon Cineplex:

Theater 14 - Ticket Prices: 300 baht and 350 baht
     Mon-Wed  8:00pm
     Thurs-Fri   7:00pm
This is what the website currently says but it may really be 8:00pm for Theater 14 for all those dates, not just for Mon-Wed.  I'll send an email Wed night confirming which time it is for Thurs-Fri.

Nokia Ultra Screen with fancy, expensive love seats
At 1,000 baht, this theater is too expensive.  Forget it!

A disfigured musical genius, hidden away in the Paris Opera House, terrorizes the opera company for the unwitting benefit of a young protégée whom he trains and loves.

Filmed at Royal Albert Hall in October 2011 and live streamed to cinemas around the world, this stunning performance brings the show to a bigger stage and celebrates it's role as one of the biggest shows in theatre history.

The recording of the show and cinematography were spectacular. You by no means feel like you are in a seat in the audience watching it from may rows in front of the stage. Instead, you are up close, on stage, seeing closeups of the various performers playing their iconic roles to perfection. You see the costumes like you've never seen them before, the rage and hurt in the Phantom's eyes, the conflict and yearning of Christine for two men. The performances of Ramin Karimloo (Phantom), Sierra Boggess (Christine), and Hadley Fraser (Raoul) are nothing less than brilliant, as well as is the rest of the cast.


THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA became the longest running show in Broadway history on 9 January 2006 when it celebrated its 7,486th performance, surpassing the previous record holder “Cats”. This coincided with the Broadway and the US national touring company celebrating an unprecedented 20,000 performances in the United States. In October 2010 the London production celebrated its 10,000th performance.

THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has won over 60 major theatre awards, including seven Tonys on Broadway and three Olivier Awards in the West End. It won the ‘Most Popular Musical Audience Award’, voted by the public, in the 2002 Laurence Olivier Awards. THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, which opened at Her Majesty's Theatre on 9 October 1986 starred Michael Crawford as 'The Phantom' and Sarah Brightman as 'Christine.'

Worldwide, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has grossed over £3.2 billion. The box office revenues are higher than any film or stage play in history, including "Titanic", "ET", "Star Wars" and “Avatar”. It has been seen in 145 cities in 27 countries and played to over 130 million people. THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA is currently showing in London, New York, Budapest, Las Vegas, and Kyoto.



Siam Paragon - take Exit 5 from the Siam Station of the BTS Skytrain to the 5th floor Paragon Cineplex.



 8:00 pm (or 7:00 pm - see above) - The movie, "The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011)" at Paragon Cineplex, Theater #14.

Art, Organizer

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