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New Showing Time for "The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011)", 7:00 pm

From: Art
Sent on: Thursday, November 24, 2011, 10:54 AM

Dear Movie Lovers,

If you still haven't seen The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011), the nightly showings at the reasonably priced screens at Siam Paragon Cineplex (Theater #14 at 300 baht, 350 baht) has changed to 7:00 pm.  This schedule is in effect through Monday, November 28.  (The movie will probably be extended to at least Wednesday of that week.) 

The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011) was well-received by our Bangkok Coffee and Movie Meetup Group , over this past weekend so if you missed it, I recommend that you see it on your own in the next several days.

What did our group think of this Meetup?

Our group member, Madeline Turnock wrote:

It was fantastic. I was debating whether to go the next night as well. The people who came to the meetup were lovely and it was a really nice night.

Our group member, Mark H. wrote:

Not many people came, but had a great time with those who did. The Movie was ABSOLUTELY STUPENDOUS!

Our group member, Selinda wrote:

Incredible! The bonus at the end is worth the 300 Baht alone! John Owen Jones, who plays the Phantom in this production, will send shivers down your spine. Small meet up group -- but those who attended were very fun.

Our group member, Robert Landen wrote: 

An absolutely fantastic production.  Hadn't seen it since Budapest.  Saw it with Crawford in the 90s but at Albert Hall I was front row center. 


There will not be another Meetup for this movie, so you can go on whichever day you prefer.

This movie is playing on two screens at Siam Paragon Cineplex:

Theater 14 - Ticket Prices: 300 baht and 350 baht
     Now through Mon, Nov 28 - 7:00pm
Nokia Ultra Screen with fancy, expensive love seats
At 1,000 baht, this theater is too expensive.  Forget it!



Siam Paragon - take Exit 5 from the Siam Station of the BTS Skytrain to the 5th floor Paragon Cineplex.



 7:00 pm - The movie, "The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011)" at Paragon Cineplex, Theater #14.

Art, Organizer
Bangkok Coffee and Movie Meetup Group

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