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Re: [Conversa-Portuguesa] 399 members and 3 show up? QUE VERGONHA!!

From: wayne
Sent on: Monday, April 20, 2015, 6:00 AM
Hi Tom,
I want to learn Portuguese but know nothing. I do not even know the standard beginning phrase "hello, how are you?".  Mondays are bad days for me because I live in Temecula and have to get up at 4:00am to work the next day. I would really like to learn the language because it would help me in my work. Anybody that would volunteer their time (hopefully our schedules would synch)or point me to a web-site or other direction would be appreciated.
Thanks, Wayne

From: sandy somarriba-ugarte <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sunday, April 19,[masked]:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Conversa-Portuguesa] 399 members and 3 show up? QUE VERGONHA!!

Hi Tom, 

I am one of the new members and currently am living in Temecula and came down a couple of times but no one comes. For me it's a long drive minimum two hours that's for time lid the gas. Why don't people show up?

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 19, 2015, at 1:56 PM, Tom <[address removed]> wrote:

Our group is almost 5 years old. Meetup is raising the price they charge me to sponsor the group. Several dozen new members, but none show up. Is it time to fold up our tent? If we can get 8 people to RSVP positively for this Monday, April 20, I will drive the 40 minutes round trip to be with you. Otherwise, should we change to only ONE meeting per month? This group is for you to improve your Portuguese; if you've lost interest, please let me know. Muito obrigado. Abraços, Tom

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