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New Event: Mission Cliffs - Gym Meetup (All Levels)

From: Brian
Sent on: Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 12:52 AM
Announcing a new event for Bay Area Rock Climbing!

What: Mission Cliffs - Gym Meetup (All Levels)

When: Saturday, January 19, 2:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: All levels are welcome.

Why: Why join us? It's rock climbing! Nuff said.

Event Description: Regular meetup at Mission Cliffs, San Francisco.

All levels are welcome. New climbers will be required to take a belay safety class. The classes have limited number of people they can handle for each class. The belay safety class starts at 1pm & 3pm and it's recommended that you show up a bit earlier to get a better chance of snagging a spot (at least 15 min prior).

For all other levels, you will need to get a permanent belay check card if you don't have one already. Just indicate that you need to get one when purchasing your day pass. You will need to pass a belay check. Let us know if you are rusty and we'll go over the steps with you.

We'll all meet by the foosball table at 2pm. Look for the guy with the blue top and jeans (Brian). If you show up a little later you can also have the front desk page Brian Chang (thanks Greg for the tip).

Day pass on a weekend is $18.
Belay safety class is $28 (includes a day pass for the rest of the day).
Equipment rental is $5.

Learn more here:

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