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March 11th program and potluck

From: Lois
Sent on: Sunday, March 5, 2017, 8:38 AM

Growing Wild: How to attract wildlife to your yard for beauty and benefit by Lance Gardner, B.S., M.S., PhD


When:             Saturday, March 11th, 2017

Where:            Friends Meeting House, 4500 Kensington Ave.         

Time:              7:00 p.m., lecture; 6:00 p.m., potluck supper

Cost:              $3.00 for non-VSR members or join that night  

Please bring a dish to share and label ingredients and your own place setting and beverage. Vegan preferable.


The presentation will concentrate on ways to attract and keep native wildlife, especially critters that can be beneficial to your landscape and gardens. Techniques will include the use of water and water features, habitat and cover, nesting sites, and vegetation. Limiting invasive species that can interfere with the natural functioning of your local environment, inhibiting natural balances and controls, will also be included. Examples of many beneficial animals will be shown, such as insects, spiders, snakes, skinks, toads, lizards and birds.


Lance Gardner has been gardening since he was 10 with degrees in chemistry, biology, oceanography, limnology and marine science, 15 years as a master gardener.

Gardner's Gardens

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For information call [masked] or email [address removed] by Friday, March 10th. 


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