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Re: A new organizer is needed for meetup 349

From: Rose
Sent on: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 4:07 PM
Thank you Amany for all that you have done! 

Im wondering if we need to continue the group given that most or all of us have Facebook. 

The Bellydancers of the Eastern Shore Group is 70 members strong! 

I rarely use Meetup anymore and prefer to rsvp to events on Facebook. As helpful as Meetup has been in the past I feel it is an unnecessary expense today. 
Those are my thoughts but if anyone wants to keep it going I will continue using it but prefer not to spend any money on it at this time.


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Amany Amany <[address removed]> wrote:
I have the same sentiments with this site and the Eastern Shore - Facebook sites.  Have you put this out to everyone?

From: Rose Roma MacGregor <[address removed]>
To: Amany <[address removed]>
Sent: Thursday, June 13,[masked]:31 PM
Subject: Re: A new organizer is needed for meetup 349

Thank you Amany for all that you have done! 

Im wondering if we need to continue the group given that most or all of us have Facebook. 

The Bellydancers of the Eastern Shore Group is 70 members strong! 

I rarely use Meetup anymore and prefer to rsvp to events on Facebook. As helpful as Meetup has been in the past I feel it is an unnecessary expense today. 
Those are my thoughts but if anyone wants to keep it going I will continue using it but prefer not to spend any money on it at this time.


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Amany <[address removed]> wrote:

Your Organizer, Amany, sent the following message to some members of Lower DE Bellydance Meetup Group:

For your information, I have paid organizer dues through to July 22, 2013, and have cancelled future payments made by my credit account.  This means the meetup group needs to have an organizer to make payments in order to continue the 349 group.  I am stepping down as the organizer for meetup/bellydance 349.  I want to thank those of you who have helped in the way of donations over the years for this meetup group. 
Amany/Lynne VanHauter

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