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Exhibit Opportunity

From: Ed E.
Sent on: Monday, August 5, 2013, 8:13 AM
I have arranged to exhibit photos at a local pub during September. The theme is cycling related photos and I don't have enough to fill the venue, so I'm looking for about ten other photos to be submitted. This will be a good sales opportunity!

This display venue will be at Crow's Feet Commons, the Pub-Bicycle Shop at the breezeway on Mirror Pond, a happenin' place! The
USA Cycling Masters Road Nationals will be in Bend again September 4-8 and will host a mature crowd of cycling enthusiasts!

Anyone interested should send no more than two jpeg files no larger than 500KB to be juried. Please indicate if you have more images for consideration and I will contact you for further submissions. Also indicate what finished and matted size your prints are. They may be matted or framed but must be able to be hung in the conventional manner; a nail in the wall!

You must submit your files to be juried by[masked]. I know that's short notice but selections must be made and finished products ready to hang on Sunday, August 25th.

Send submissions to [address removed] as an attachment. If the file guidelines aren't met, your message will be deleted unseen.

Show your stuff!


I would encourage you to contact other relevant display venues during this event with all types of photo subjects!

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