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Leading Lines Meetup July 17th

From: Tom R.
Sent on: Monday, July 1, 2013, 7:08 PM

Hi Folks,

Aaron has to deal with some personal things next week so I will take over the upcoming "Leading Lines" meeting. This will be in the Brooks room of the Bend Library at 6:00pm on 17th July. We used the room last week and it worked very well. It has a very good projector and screen and there is plenty of room - so I have removed the attendance limit. EVERYBODY IS WELCOME!!

Right now - we only have 8 people signed up. It's a great subject so PLEASE - sign up, take some great pictures and send them to me at [address removed].

If you don't have any pictures - come along anyway. Bring a snack to share.

See you on the 17th.

