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Reminder: NYC Bio Spring Networking Mixer *tonight*.

From: John W.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 9:25 AM
Hey biotechies,

1) Don't forget to come tonight to our spring networker.

2) Academics who want to do actually business, don't come without cards!

3) People who want to help with NYC Bio (which we always need), please find Samir Ajmera, Marissa Yanez, Keren Weiser or Boris Shor. If I can finish a patent and a poster by 3 pm, I'll come (unlikely).

4) If you have an place where we can hold events, please let us know. If you want to sponsor awesome events, please let us know. The Stern School of Business ran out of marketing materials at our last event :).

5) Finally, a note to I hope prevent further confusion: NYBA (the New York Biotechnology Association) announced today they are now "NewYorkBio." "NewYorkBio" is NOT NYC Bio. Already people confused NYC Bio with NYBA; NYC Bio is not NYBA and not NewYorkBio. Please tell this to everyone you know; I'm really not sure how people are going to keep these names apart...

Happy bioteching!



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