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Re: [entrepreneur-2339] Invitation to Yelp launch party

From: Matthew S.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 9:34 AM
Hi Rickie,

I'd like to come to the launch party.

I'm a bit confused about the events though – I run EatSocial locally in Birmingham and allows people to create dinner parties or arrange easy group restaurant parties. How can I get involved?



From: Rickie <[address removed]>
Reply-To: <[address removed]>
Date: Sunday, 28 October[masked]:18
To: <[address removed]>
Subject: [entrepreneur-2339] Invitation to Yelp launch party



I’m organising a launch party for Yelp Birmingham at Urban Coffee Co and you’re invited!


If you haven’t already heard, I’m working with Yelp to help introduce the people of Birmingham to their local businesses and help them thrive.

From a business perspective Yelp is another platform in which to make friends and contacts and this party is just the beginning! I’m organising lots of events that will introduce Brummies to local venues, shops, restaurants and more.


Firstly, take a look at Yelp


Apart from sharing info on the places you love by writing quick reviews, there are other ways to get involved too:

I want to support and promote as many local traders as possible. Yelp lists businesses that have a physical address for the public to visit and review. So I am aiming to promote non-shop front local (B2C) businesses at each event I run. All your ideas are welcome on this so take a look at the site and just let me know how you’d like to get involved.


e.g. Do you know any crafters/designers? Would they like to host a craft party? Or a workshop? How about a demo for yelpers? Let me know your thoughts and let’s start planning. I’m looking for local crafts people to design some unique Yelp goodies and first thing is I need a Yelp branded headband which I will wear to many of the events! It will create publicity (and business) for the person who designs/makes it and maybe it could be ready for the party?!


Please take a look at the events section for ideas and specifically at the launch party as you need to do that to register for your launch party ticket. Let me know if you know of any unique events as they could be listed here too.


I’m away until the 1st but after the launch party, I’m going to have place myself in the local coffee shops on a regular basis so people can come and see me and chat about their ideas. Which means I cannot make this month’s Entrepreneur Meet Up as I’ll my on my way back to the UK from a week chasing the northern lights in Norway!


By the way, StartUp Saturday – Start your business in a day.

next workshop is now available to book on Nov 3rd. See the details here and I look forward to seeing you at Hotel la Tour!


Remember to reserve your ticket for the Yelp launch party and see you on the 7th. RSVP here


Best Wishes

Rickie Josen

Reviews & Views

StartUp Saturday –Start your business in a day

Find me on Yelp on my Blog or on Twitter @RickieWrites


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