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Beantown Gamers hits 1000!

From: Tucker
Sent on: Sunday, July 20, 2014, 10:48 PM

Thanks for your support of Beantown Gamers over the years.  We just hit our 1000th member!

Of course, we know how Meetup works; not all of our members have attended a meetup.  But it's never too late to start!  We've been having especially big turnouts this summer, in the 25-35 range.  We're still giving away board games, too!  You get a free entry every time you come.  And thanks to some big donations, we'll be doing a raffle nearly every week.

(And for those who already have tickets in the jar... we actually went through FIVE tickets from people who weren't in the room last week before we got to an eligible winner.  And that was impressive, because there were a lot of people in the room!  Come and hang out with us again, your tickets miss you.)

The next meetup is tomorrow night, Monday the 21st.  Hope to see you there!


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