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Kelly and Victor

From: Catherine
Sent on: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 8:15 PM
Hi Everyone,
I'm going to be chairing the meeting next week; hope people are enjoying the book, although I'm sure not everyone is/has so will look forward to an interesting discussion!
If you're still reading it (or even if you've finished it, but might not be so easy to do!), could you pick out a short passage (not too long!) that you either really enjoyed and sums up why you liked the book........or........maybe that you didn't like and sums up why you didn't like it! I thought it might be interesting to see which parts people enjoyed (and are willing to read out!) and what discussion that might spark. As I'm reading it again, there are parts that I really like a lot and sum up the book, and the feeling behind it, and so I thought it'd be interesting to see what other people came up with.
Thanks, look forward to the meeting next week! Catherine