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Congrats to the winner for free pass to AnDevCon, and some clarification...

From: Merlin C.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 3:19 PM

Congrats to our winner Art Huston he is our winner for being the first to respond on Twitter! We did not hear back from Art right away, yet he did confirm that he did not already have ticket, and that he will be attending the majority of the Con. Also meeting the other criteria, so he is our winner. Have fun at AnDevCon Art, and see you soon!


To clarify to attend the full con you do need to purchase a ticket wich is stated in our events page, the link is provided. We are also offering a $200 discount to all Android members, we have been running this for some time so this is not knew.. If you don't have a ticket, yet still want to attend the expo is free admission on Thursday, and Friday....


Android Boston

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