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Re: [boulderjourneystotantricbliss] Warm Sweet Honey

From: Randall
Sent on: Thursday, February 6, 2014, 11:32 AM
I often meditate with an image of compassion-as-honey, slowly, thoroughly filling my physical form from the toes on up -- filling each space, saturating each cell -- until it overflows from the crown ... An endless blessing (( ❤ ))

-- Randall

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 6, 2014, at 11:05 AM, Judith  <[address removed]> wrote:

On this cold cold day approaching Valentines Day I invite you to dream of Honey and Love Mythopoetic scholars say that honey symbolizes emotional maturity. When it appears in your dreams or reveries, it may mean you're expanding your capacity to experience feelings that are positive and healthy for you. Love. It suggests you're ready to shed distorted psychological patterns that you unwittingly absorbed as a child, and replace them with new imprints that are in harmony with your highest values. I hope you dream of honey soon. I invite you to dream of honey. Warm Sweet Honey...and Love Comments?

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