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New Meetup: Training Hike/Snowshoe at Afton State Park

From: Luc Y.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 1:14 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Friends of BWCA Trails!

What: Training Hike/Snowshoe at Afton State Park

When: January 9,[masked]:00 AM

Afton State Park
6959 Peller Ave S
Hastings, MN 55033

Everyone is welcome to attend this training hike that will be held at Afton State Park. We will hike for five hours around the hills and trails of the park with our packs and gear. There will be breaks along the way so be sure to bring at least 2 liters of water and enough food to keep up your energy during the hike. Participants in winter trail clearing trips are encouraged to bring a sled also to get acclimated to pulling one while on the trail. The physical intensity of this hike: Demanding.

This event is mandatory for all participants of the winter trail clearing trips. If you are on a crew and cannot attend please contact your crew leader. Participants should bring all of the gear that they plan to carry while on the actual trail clearing trip. Your pack should weigh at least 30 pounds. A sample trip gear list can be found here.

This is an excellent opportunity to see how your gear will function when on the trail. It is also a great time to try out new methods of packing and organizing or seek advice from experienced crew leaders and participants. Many of our members and crew leaders are experienced winter campers and are glad to share the tips and tricks that they have picked up along the way.

The group will meet at 8 AM at the visitor's center and then depart promptly from there. If you have any problems locating the group on the day of the hike please contact Luc Young at (715)[masked].

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