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New Meetup: Eagle Mountain / Brule Lake Trail East Trail Clearing

From: Dave B.
Sent on: Sunday, January 10, 2010, 2:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Friends of BWCA Trails!

What: Eagle Mountain / Brule Lake Trail East Trail Clearing

When: Friday, May 14,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $25.00 per person

Eagle Mountain
FS road #158
Grand Marais, MN 55604

Eagle Mountain / Brule Lake Trail East Trail Clearing:

This 2-day trail clearing excursion offers an excellent opportunity to experience the diverse beauty of northern Minnesota, while working hard to make that beauty more accessible to others. As a member of this crew, you will have the opportunity to summit Eagle Mountain (Minnesota's highest point), as well as view Whale Lake, beaver dams, open meadows, a granite pass and possibly some Moose sightings!

During the daylight hours this excursion will include 6-10 miles of hiking and trail clearing on wet rocky paths. During the evening hours you can look forward to 2 nights of lodging in a rustic cabin at the Bally Creek Resort, including a classic sauna to refresh those tired muscles.

We?ll be going up by car pool Friday afternoon/night and settling into our cabin that evening. On Saturday morning we?ll head out on the trail for a day of clearing. We?ll clear a 4? wide trail from the Eagle Mountain Trailhead to the top of Eagle Mountain. In addition, a portion of the crew will clear the east-end of the Brule Lake trail, which is accessed from the Eagle Mountain trail. Saturday night you can look forward to a tasty pot-luck dinner (participation optional), and a fun night of relaxing and socializing with your crew. Sunday morning we'll pack-up, clean-up and clear trail for a couple more hours. We'll start the drive back to the Twin Cities by mid-afternoon.

Participants will receive safety and tool training from the crew leader prior to starting on the trail clearing. Trail clearing tools and safety training will be provided by the BWAC and crew leaders. Participants will also be required to attend an orientation / training session in the Twin Cities during the last part of April. The details of the training will be finalized soon, and posted on Meetup.

Registration and fee payment will be made electronically through Meetup and is required in advance. Registration needs to be completed by April 15. We will carpool and split the gas between the passengers. You will be responsible for your own meals, including a contribution to the Saturday night pot-luck if you choose to participate.

Learn more here: