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New Meetup: "Plain of Jars"

From: Martin K.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 10:59 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Friends of BWCA Trails!

What: "Plain of Jars"

When: Thursday, March 4,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $25.00 per person

1018 Meadowlands Dr
White Bear Lake, MN 55127

A BWCA Snowshoeing/camping Adventure
Level of difficulty: Intense, must be in good physical condition.
Gear list - more or less
March 4 -7. Leave Thursday pm, Rtn Sunday evening.
Contact organizer for details.

The Mysterious ?Plain of Jars? lies surrounded by mountains in Laos. But a snowcamping adventure route? How this BWCA route became about remains shrouded in fog. What is certain is that the ?Plain of Jars? is a fairy tale like spot in the Boundary Waters. It is a place where you can be with friends and yet experience solitude. It is a culinary sensation for your eyes, an immersion in surroundings and a refuge away from hurried life in the city. Yet getting there is a challenge and an intense adventure that heightens one?s senses.
Itinerary: This group of explorers will venture upstream on frozen Cascade River. The river winds and weaves through series of picturesque ponds, some small and round, others larger and long or curved. Route which we might start on a dark night involves crossing questionable ice and developing an intuitive skills to constantly evaluate, and successfully manage wilderness travel risks. On day two we will cross larger lakes, avoiding thin ice near inlets and outlets. Expedition members will find themselves climbing short, but very steep banks at stream narrows where the ice in streams is too thin. Not too worry though. Eventually, our adrenalin rush will abate, and cool minds will prevail trying to pick left or right bank of a frozen stream through thick or thicker alder brush. At places, there will be tree falls with long branches sticking out and creating pockets of air in deep snow that have swallowed many a camper. In other words, overcoming mental and physical challenges will make reaching the ?Plain of Jars? ever so more rewarding. Nested between hill tops, ?Plain of Jars? is a formation of perfectly flat grass-wetland. Blanketed by a thick snow cover, edged by evergreen forest, the plain itself is dotted with occasional pine, tamarack and alder. One enters the ?Plain of Jars? bowing down under and through a portal of sorts formed by low hanging jack pine branches. Emerging from underneath the branches and standing up, the opening and the vista is so sudden that the visitors immediately experience feelings of calm and peace. We will camp overnight about half way in the plain and on day 3, enjoy breakfast of hot jello, oatmeal and trek back to the parking lot by way of ordinary mortals (taking a ?shortcut?) via Brule Lake and Eagle Mtn. trails. This is one of few trips that you will remember for rest of your life.
Disclaimers, legal notices, and small print: Requires participation at a training hike (TBD) approval by crew leader, signing liability waiver and photo/video/audio release. This is a tobacco and pet free trip.

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