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New Meetup: Volunteers Backpacking in the Boundary Waters – (Who lives, who dies and why)

From: Martin K.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 12:25 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Friends of BWCA Trails!

What: Volunteers Backpacking in the Boundary Waters ? (Who lives, who dies and why)

When: February 17,[masked]:30 PM

Midwest Mountaineering
309 Cedar Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Backpacking in the BWCA can be a challenge for the unprepared (for what it is like, see recent article by Larry Oakes in Star Tribune). Martin Kubik, a former guide, will help you learn about the trails, how to safely navigate them, and give you gear advice so that you can create lasting memories. Learn about volunteer efforts to keep BWCA trails alive - and how you can make a change by volunteering for trail maintenance this spring. Expedition Room, Midwest Mountaineering.
Note: Volunteers needed to greet audience, display photos, hand out literature, and help with door prize drawing. Please contact me if you would like to help - Martin Kubik

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