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The Brussels New and not New in Town Meetup Group welcomes the NEW YEAR 2010!!!

From: Bakoly R.
Sent on: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 9:37 PM
Hello dears,

We are still one month and some weeks before our next meetup event but I would like to give you some information about our plan.

Since most of us goes back home or traveling around during the holiday period, we (3 of us:)) decided that we do not organise an event during the month of December.

Our new year celebration will be on Saturday 23 of January from 19:30.

As usual every end of the year, I would like to kindly ask you to cook or to prepare your favorite dish from your home country, and bring it so we can share and enjoy with our friends and new friends.

I will cook 2 different dishes from Madagascar, I will also prepare some "achard de legumes" and some salad.

I would like to ask you to accord me 15mn of your time during that evening to give you a short presentation of my project for children in Madagascar.

Since our last event was also a success we would like to have our NEW YEAR 2010 CELEBRATION party at the same place at:
Cercle Eagle
Avenue Louise 384
Since we are going to rent it again so I will have to ask you again 5 Euro per person.

So to bring with us on the NEW YEAR 2010 CELEBRATION's party:
- your favorite dish cooked or prepared,
- your drinks (if we all bring a drink we will not be short of drinks)
- and 5 Euro
And of course last but very important our mingling and party mood!!!

We wish you a Merry Xmas and a very Happy new Year 2010.
May the new year 2010 bring to all of us, HEALTH, LOVE and BIG SMILE.

See you all on Saturday 23 January 2010 from 19:30.


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