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Kickoff Party: The time to RSVP is NOW

From: Lynn Van E.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 5, 2014, 12:08 AM
Hi all,

The kickoff party is coming up quickly.  It is on Sunday, March 16 from 12:30 to 4:00 pm at the Rock Bottom near Park Meadows Mall.

Meetup has been up and down for the last week due to a denial of service attack.  If you are trying to RSVP but can't get into meetup, feel free to email me directly at dlynnv @ q .com (remove the spaces to get a valid email address).  Or if you can't get in to check on your RSVP and are wondering if you did or didn't, you can also drop me an email and I will check.

We do need to get some counts to the Rock Bottom by early next week, so please get your RSVP in soon if you haven't already done so.  I will be sending them a final count after the meeting on Monday. 

The raffle prizes are coming in and we have some great stuff again this year!  If you have a prize for the party, please just bring it along when you come!

The cost will be the same as last year. $5.00 for members. $11.00 for non-members (but they get a coupon for $5.00 off of their membership if they join the club later).

Prior to the party, at noon, the brewery is offering a free tour.  The space is limited for the tour-so if you have RSVPd for the party and are interested in the tour, please let me know ASAP so I can hold a space for you.  We do have a few slots open at this point-but not very many.  As this will happen before the party, you won't miss any of the festivities if you decide to go on the tour.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me directly or through or directly.  You can also call me at[masked]; however, I am traveling a lot these days and can be tough to reach that way.

Thanks again and I look forward to seeing you all at the party!

From sunny Sacramento today (on my way to Seattle by week's end)