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Kickoff Party

From: Lynn Van E.
Sent on: Friday, February 28, 2014, 4:55 PM
Hi all,

Good morning all,

Meetup has been up and down for the last couple of days due to a denial of service attack.  If you are trying to RSVP but can't get into meetup, feel free to email me directly at dlynnv @ q .com (remove the spaces to get a valid email address).

We are now about two weeks out from the party so, if you have not already done so, it is time to RSVP for the party.  Those of you that already have, we are looking forward to seeing you!

The Kickoff Party is the Sunday before St. Patrick's Day (on Monday), so it is great day to enjoy a brew or two, a nice party with your CC Riders friends and take your chance at winning a prize in the raffle.  It will be held at the Rock Bottom Brewery down near Park Meadows, same as it was last year and the year before.  It will run from 12:30 until about 4:00 or 4:30 pm.

The raffle prizes are coming in and we have some great stuff again this year!  If you are working with a sponsor, please check with them and see if they would like to make a donation to our raffle. The more prizes we have, the more fun the raffle is.

The cost will be the same as last year. $5.00 for members. $11.00 for non-members (but they get a coupon for $5.00 off of their membership if they join the club later).

The brewery tour is a go this year.  We have limited space available, so if you are interested please let me know either by posting a separate message to the kickoff party on OR dropping me an email..  The tour will be at about 12:00, so if you are signed up for it you need to show up early for the party.  If you want to be on the list but aren't sure if you are or not, feel free to email me to check.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me directly or through or directly.  You can also call me at[masked]; however, I am traveling a lot these days and can be tough to reach that way.

Thanks again and I look forward to seeing you all at the party!


Lynn Van Eperen
CC Riders
Social Committee 

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