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Kickoff Party: 1 week from today

From: Lynn Van E.
Sent on: Sunday, March 9, 2014, 7:40 AM
Good morning all,

The kickoff party is next Sunday at the Rock Bottom near Park Meadows.  Those of you who have already RSVPd-thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.

Those who were waiting until the last minute-the last minute has arrived.  :>   The party is on Sunday, March 16 from 12:30 to 4:00 pm-ish.  We have some great raffle prizes lined up (and that is just the ones I know about-there are always some surprises at the party too).  If you have a prize for the raffle, please just bring it to the party since I won’t be at the meeting tomorrow (I am working in Seattle this week).

The cost will be the same as last year. $5.00 for members. $11.00 for non-members.  The non-members do get a coupon for $5.00 off of their membership if they join the club later.  This includes your meal and soft drinks/tea.  Any other beverages or desserts will be paid for by you.

Rock Bottom is giving a free brewery tour to a limited group before the party starts.  Those who have signed up (Gary M, Lynn, Mark, Bud, Dotti, Paul, Bonnie and Thomas) will need to show up at noon rather than 12:30.  The tour will be over before the party starts-so those going won’t miss any of the festivities.  The tour has limited spaces available, but we do still have a few spots left so if you are interested in being put on the list for the tour please either post a message via meet up OR email me at dlynnv @ (remove the spaces to get a good email address).

I need to get our head counts to the Rock Bottom by Tuesday or Wednesday, so if you are planning to be at the party and haven’t already RSVPd, please do so now!

I am looking forward to seeing so many of you next Sunday.



but I am hard to reach since I am working out of state again-if you do need to talk to me, leave a message and I will get back to you when I am free