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Mat Evans: Your invitation to the West Valley Writers Critique Group on Thursday Evenings.

From: John D.
Sent on: Thursday, December 31, 2015, 9:23 AM

Mat Evans: as promised here is your invitation to the Thursday Critique Group in the West Valley at Avondale Gangplank.

You might find it useful to attend this group and record responses for you research project. Different writers are present at this Group.

Welcome to the West Valley Writers Critique Group.

Walk in Guests and observers are always welcome to attend this group.

We look forward to reading your work at our next Meetup.

• Thursday, January 7, 2016 ; Next meeting -- Thursday, January 14, 2016 6:15 PM to 9:00 PM

Please Note: There will be no meetings on the last 2 Thursdays in December:
Thursday, December 24, 2015—Christmas Eve
Thursday December 31, 2015—New Year’s Eve

We will resume regular Thursday Evening meetings on Thursday January 7., 2016. Happy Holidays to everyone.
• Gangplank Avondale 525 N. Central Avenue, Avondale, AZ (edit map)

This group is designed to provide writers with immediate feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their writing. Writers should bring 6-8 hard copies of their work to share with the group. The printed copies permit participants to make direct written comments, while the on site presence permits verbal comments. Stories, poems, essays, novel chapters or segments, non-fiction, fiction, how to topics, reviews, memoirs, screenplays, stage plays, scripts, are all acceptable genre. Keep every genre alive. 4-8 pages/[masked] words works well for this kind of session. Please know you word count when you arrive.

Individuals are also welcome to observe if they are not ready to share their work for critique.

The first 30 minutes (6:15 – 6:45 PM) is a social, get to know your fellow authors period. Readings and critiques begin promptly at 6:45 PM. During the sign-in period Moderators will divide the writers into 2-4 break-out groups of 4-6 authors. Please be sure to sign in so you will be included in a break-out group. Critique groups must end promptly by 8:55—building managers expect us to clear the building by 9:00 PM. so they can lock up and go home.

No food is available on the building site, however, a Sonic is directly across the street and several restaurants are located on Central Avenue. Snacks and beverages can be brought into the building. Parking is available on site.

We look forward to meeting you and reading your work.

John Daleiden, Moderator
[address removed]
Cell phone: [masked]

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