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Adult Chamber Music Workshop at MIC Evanston, March 10th

From: Corey T.
Sent on: Sunday, January 28, 2018, 5:32 PM
There's a little monthly program that might interest folks in our group: The "Adult Chamber Music Workshop" at Music Institute of Chicago. It's $25 for a couple hours of getting coached.

Here's how MIC describes it.

"Join colleagues in a casual setting to read through chamber music. Participants are placed into chamber ensembles and scores will be emailed approximately two weeks ahead of time so that assigned repertoire can be prepared. Interested individuals must RSVP in order to participate, and the event is open to any individuals from the community. Workshop open to strings, piano, woodwinds and brass intermediate level or higher." 

I guess it can be hit or miss depending on who you get matched up with and who is coaching. I went to one and I really really liked the coach, the cellist David Cunliffe of the Lincoln Trio.

The next one is March 10th at their Evanston building.

Here's a link: 

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