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G25 quick chess this Sunday night

From: Geoff
Sent on: Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 8:24 AM

Tournament night at the Lucky Lab this Sunday!  There will still be Casual chess so if you don't play in the tournament, come for the fun of playing. We had a few last time so the more the merrier.

4 rounds of Quick chess G/25 d;3 Need to have a current USCF membership. Going to be a great time. Invite a friend to come play. Start time is 6pm sharp. This will be quick rated, not dual rated so it will not affect your regular rating. RSVP here or send me a message through PCA gmail or See you there!! Entry $5. Prizes if we have over 8 players.


RSVP's are very appreciated.

Geoff Kenway

Group Organizer

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