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ChiPMA digest of Product-related events, time-sensitive offers, and resources.

From: Eric B.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 12:38 PM

Fellow ChiPMA Members,

We thought that you may want to explore one or more of the following offers and events that were recently shared with ChiPMA. Note that some are time-sensitive:

Craftsman Workshop this weekend (8/22-23)
The Craftsman Product Manager: A 2-day Hands-On Workshop. Check out this highly-recommended workshop this Saturday and Sunday. Special discount for ChiPMA members: use promotional code 500OFF at checkout for $500 off the cost of registration! 
Learn more / Register

Services Design Conference (8/27-28)
The Service Experience Chicago conference is a two-day event where designers, business leaders, social organizations, and students will learn how to use a Service Design approach when designing holistic service experiences. Registration closes tonight!
Learn more / Register

Research white paper reveals Product team high performance factors
Data is a product manager’s best friend - but finding reliable and statistically significant data is difficult. Actuation Consulting has just released this year’s white paper documenting four new factors that contribute to high performance on Product teams, plus additional findings.
Learn more / Download

Best Regards,
Eric Bingen

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