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From: Gina C.
Sent on: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 4:28 PM
I'm sorry to email the mailing list like this, but I'm determined to help a very scared mommy who's just 5 days away from her due date.
Her "supposedly VBAC friendly" doctor just did a 180 at her 39 week appointment and told her that he will not "let her" go a single day past her due date, and said in very clear terms that he would force her to have a c-section if she was not in labor by Tuesday.  We know that's not legal, but he can make things terrible for her.
I was in her exact position 8 months ago, so I know what she's going through. I stayed with my doctor and ended up going through 38 hours of torturous hospital labor where I literally had to fight him off of me to deliver my baby by a successful VBAC.  I wouldn't wish that hell on any mom.
She wants to find a provider willing to take her as a walk-in when she goes into labor (the only way insurance will pay for it), but she said she's been calling around and no one is willing to take her this close to her due date.  Anyone have any advice or references here?  Any providers here willing to talk with her?
Please let me know if you can provide any information that might help this scared, stressed mommy.
Thank you!!!

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